Definitely having children change our lives and open our hearts more than we could have ever imagined. But our pets are usually our first babies. In our household, it was Tyson & Lennox, our boxers.
I guess I post this blog while laying in bed next to Hayden thinking 'Lennox looks so peaceful and content on my corner sofa. And thinking "who lets a dog on an ivory, upholstered chair???".... We do. As we are more and more consumed with work, Hayden, and life in general... We are still very thankful we have such a wonderful, well-behaved, and loving family member like Lennox....and thankful we have a great cleaning lady (hee hee).
And just because he doesn't speak our language... He is smarter than more non-dog-people will ever know.
For example... He will always be able find the smallest cut or mosquito bite on you and lick it to death. He barks (and scares the shizzle out of people) when anyone is outside our home, even if the window shutters are closed. We always look out because his bark is always reliable.
And get this incident.... We were babysitting a toy dog less than 10 lbs for the weekend (I won't mention names and hope this family won't read this blog. I just didn't tell them because I didn't want to worry them). But to get back to what happened...
Who better to dog-sit than us (or atleast we thought!) We are dog-people who have cared for 2 big, 75+ lb dogs. What could go wrong right? Well for one.. Small dogs are fast! And like to slip through doors as you leave the house. This rarely happens with Lennox.. And when it did... He listened and went back into the house immediately. Well that Saturday morning after an early morning spin class, I was excited to sneek out of the house for some early shopping because Hayden and Steve were still asleep. As soon as I opened that door, the toy Yorkie-poodle-ish beast flew outside of the front door and right down middle of the main streets (you know how busy our streets are) as I ran after her in horror! And let me tell you... She kept running and running like no tomorrow. People were stopping and getting out of their cars to help get her..without success. In doing so, I dropped my keys, wallet and my phone. Well here is our smart Lennox!!!! He runs upstairs barking irratically, loud and with purpose, trying to wake up Steve. Steve knew something was wrong especially when he ran downstairs and saw my phone, wallet, keys thrown on the floor... He checked all around the house for me. All of these weriod scenarios ran through his mind as if someone had kidnapped me). He ran upstairs to put some clothes on and get Hayden who was still asleep. On his way outside he ran into a lady who was driving by and told him what had happen and how she saw me running down the streets. I returned home just about the time he loaded Hayden in the car to help and find me. Luckily the dog was found and was being brought into our local police station within minutes of us driving around. So a happy ending...
But the point of this story... how smart and wonderful is Lennox! We love him!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
When we lived in Northern
California, we came across so many locals who never ski or snowboard. We always thought how silly they were for not taking advantage of the snow and mountain only hours away. And yet as long as we have been in Houston, we have never truly enjoyed the surrounding lakes and seaside.
So we bought a boat.
She's an inexpensive, old boat, but still a lot of life in her. And she's rough around the edges... But with some TLC (a good scrub, some upholstery work, etc) She can become a swan again.
FYI... We took on this little adventure with my brother Barry, an advid fisher... And thought it would be a win for the both of us.
Steve and I will use it for wake boarding, tubing, and cruising mostly. Keeping my fingers crossed that Hopefully the fishing bug won't catch on... Because we have seen peoples' addiction to fishing like Crack (so whack) ... [hee hee... I just had to add that whack thing.. It's funny to me :)]
As of now... I think we're safe though. Most fishers I know are up and out at the crack of dawn. And the Nguyen's love our sleep too much :)
California, we came across so many locals who never ski or snowboard. We always thought how silly they were for not taking advantage of the snow and mountain only hours away. And yet as long as we have been in Houston, we have never truly enjoyed the surrounding lakes and seaside.
So we bought a boat.
She's an inexpensive, old boat, but still a lot of life in her. And she's rough around the edges... But with some TLC (a good scrub, some upholstery work, etc) She can become a swan again.
FYI... We took on this little adventure with my brother Barry, an advid fisher... And thought it would be a win for the both of us.
Steve and I will use it for wake boarding, tubing, and cruising mostly. Keeping my fingers crossed that Hopefully the fishing bug won't catch on... Because we have seen peoples' addiction to fishing like Crack (so whack) ... [hee hee... I just had to add that whack thing.. It's funny to me :)]
As of now... I think we're safe though. Most fishers I know are up and out at the crack of dawn. And the Nguyen's love our sleep too much :)
July 4 vacation in Galveston
We decided to vacation in Galveston for a few days since Hayden was out if school for the week. To make sure it felt like a vacation, we got a hotel room and packed up our bikes, bathing suits, even a surf board to really experience Galveston. It was a great family vacation visiting the beaches and Moody gardens with the aquarium and rain forest. For the evening... We rode our bikes along the sea wall and grabbed dinner.
We know that Galveston is only 30 miles from Houston and we could have easily driven home... But what's the fun in that.
We know that Galveston is only 30 miles from Houston and we could have easily driven home... But what's the fun in that.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
End of 2012 year at Westview School

Thanks to pinterest, I found this cute idea. Here is another cute idea for bread.
I purchased the jars, twine, and ingredients all at Walmart and went to my office to print, cut, and paste everything together. Luckily I had my medical assistant and massage therapist there to pitch in.
You can't really tell from the pics.. but the color theme is baby blue and gray... a current favorite of mine.
Disclosure: I rarely bake....unless its a premade biscuts or cookies. But I can read directions. Hope it tastes ok?
Really bad cutting skills here... I was rushing and eye-balling everything...
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Summer time
Best $30 spent for hours of fun (the blow up pool)
Our community pool wont open until the first of June so this will do until then. Hayden can literally be out there for 4+ hours a day. So much so that I usually go ahead and bring lunch or dinner out there as well.

The white gazebo.
- It blocks most of the harmful Uv sun rays. Its so much more aesthetically appealing.
- It will keep him from getting mistaken as hispanic.
- It's a great cover of Mosquitos... And since it's white... We know if there's something's buzzing around to feed on us.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Best seat in the house
Watching Austin's last game as a senior! We were sooo glad to be there... And so proud!
Funny thing... While on the field recording Austin and family... Slight mid-step and forgot about Hayden for a minute. Heard a bunch of laughs and commotion and realized our son... Was watering first base with his pants down. Boys... Wished we had it on camera!
Funny thing... While on the field recording Austin and family... Slight mid-step and forgot about Hayden for a minute. Heard a bunch of laughs and commotion and realized our son... Was watering first base with his pants down. Boys... Wished we had it on camera!
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Valentine day 2012
Hayden and I decorated his valentine box at school on Mom's Day. While everyone else's boxes were pink and red... He wanted green. So.... we went with it and I stuck on the red hearts.
I have to also show off my nephews valentine box. How cute is the Alligator box!
We wrapped up Valentine day with some playtime at the park since Hayden was cooped up at the office for a few hours. I love his expression here, kinda like a sly, sneaky-face of accomplishment as he climbed up the slide (after we told him to go around).
I have to also show off my nephews valentine box. How cute is the Alligator box!
We wrapped up Valentine day with some playtime at the park since Hayden was cooped up at the office for a few hours. I love his expression here, kinda like a sly, sneaky-face of accomplishment as he climbed up the slide (after we told him to go around).
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
New door
I've been looking for a new door because our existing door is all banged up and in poor condition (if you look closely). I know the pic doesnt really prove my point... But it is. It's the original door we bought the house with, is a b--tch opening, and the door handle is backwards.

I found door at Habitat for Humanity Re-store as a suggestion from Chi Thu for $55! Yeah.
I'm gonna need do some wood filing and sanding... Add some new hardware and this will end a year long search for me. I'll post some final pics later.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Westview School
Westview is Hayden's new school. I know it may seem like Steve and I are school nomads... But you can imagine our confusion and frustrations trying to find one that's a good fit for him.
I think we have found the one most appropriate for him at this stage of his life. Yes... We dread the drive and traffic but the feeling when he is here is like "home" and like we are closer to the light at the end of the tunnel. Not to get into too much details (there is a website of the school if you are curious) but Hayden is comfortable and happy here. That says a lot to us especially from a little boy who hates change and new environments.
And so we keep chucking along and hope to get him into public school in 2013.
I think we have found the one most appropriate for him at this stage of his life. Yes... We dread the drive and traffic but the feeling when he is here is like "home" and like we are closer to the light at the end of the tunnel. Not to get into too much details (there is a website of the school if you are curious) but Hayden is comfortable and happy here. That says a lot to us especially from a little boy who hates change and new environments.
And so we keep chucking along and hope to get him into public school in 2013.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Kinda Quiet over there!
Hayden wouldn't nap today. While I was doing dishes noticed it was extremely quiet. Lo and behold... He's knocked out!
Friday, January 6, 2012
January 2012
This is a picture of Hayden's first day back to school after a long holiday break. He didnt eat much at school so we stopped by Burger King for his favorite chicken fries.
We moved him up to a new Montessouri class that is more age appropriate for him. And although these other children seems so far advanced compared to my little one... We believe this is a step he must make. Yes, he is comfortable and happy in his previous class and teacher... But those children are younger, do not speak much, and are not as independent in their play and activities which is where Hayden should be at.
Here comes the dreaded tears again.... One because It's an entirely new campus, teachers, and kids. And two because he must be up by 8 and out of the house by 8:15. This will prepare him for Kindergarden (as well as us night-owls)!
Another thing that is different now is he will have an assistant following him in class to keep him on tasks with activities while acquainting him the daily routines. No other kids at school need this and quite frankly... Hayden has special needs. We just hope that this will be temporary. At the moment he attends the Montessouri school 3 days/ week and the other 2 days are reserved for one and one speech therapy at the University of Houston Speech and Language department.
We are sooo fortunate to have such loving and supportive parents to help us in every way to overcome this speech issue. They have happily accepted the job as Hayden's assistant on those 3 days (mine for 2 and Steve's for one day).
In the morning still wiping the goo from my eyes, my mother and father show up at the house bright and early with smiles and such good energy. Energy I don't usually have at 7:30 am fixing Hayden's breakfast and lunch while getting things together for the day. We all go to school together and work day starts for Steve and I. They love calling me with the play-by-play of his day. Mom is the one assisting Hayden while Dad (obviously physically unable to run around with Hayden) acts as chauffeur mainly.
They are the best!!!! We are soo lucky!
Just a conversation to explain what was going on...
Mommy to Hayden... "grandma and grandpa is going to help you at school, ok. They love you! And when you have children... Mommy and daddy will help you too. Okay? "
Hayden... "okay"
His 'Okay' is the cutest!!!! Love it!
We moved him up to a new Montessouri class that is more age appropriate for him. And although these other children seems so far advanced compared to my little one... We believe this is a step he must make. Yes, he is comfortable and happy in his previous class and teacher... But those children are younger, do not speak much, and are not as independent in their play and activities which is where Hayden should be at.
Here comes the dreaded tears again.... One because It's an entirely new campus, teachers, and kids. And two because he must be up by 8 and out of the house by 8:15. This will prepare him for Kindergarden (as well as us night-owls)!
Another thing that is different now is he will have an assistant following him in class to keep him on tasks with activities while acquainting him the daily routines. No other kids at school need this and quite frankly... Hayden has special needs. We just hope that this will be temporary. At the moment he attends the Montessouri school 3 days/ week and the other 2 days are reserved for one and one speech therapy at the University of Houston Speech and Language department.
We are sooo fortunate to have such loving and supportive parents to help us in every way to overcome this speech issue. They have happily accepted the job as Hayden's assistant on those 3 days (mine for 2 and Steve's for one day).
In the morning still wiping the goo from my eyes, my mother and father show up at the house bright and early with smiles and such good energy. Energy I don't usually have at 7:30 am fixing Hayden's breakfast and lunch while getting things together for the day. We all go to school together and work day starts for Steve and I. They love calling me with the play-by-play of his day. Mom is the one assisting Hayden while Dad (obviously physically unable to run around with Hayden) acts as chauffeur mainly.
They are the best!!!! We are soo lucky!
Just a conversation to explain what was going on...
Mommy to Hayden... "grandma and grandpa is going to help you at school, ok. They love you! And when you have children... Mommy and daddy will help you too. Okay? "
Hayden... "okay"
His 'Okay' is the cutest!!!! Love it!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Christmas present 2011
Most of you reading this blog know what I got for Xmas because I opened it immediately after we got home from a long day of shopping the day before Xmas. We ran into Mel, Thomas, Mike, Lisa, and Luke @ Anthropolgie and invited them over for din din. I couldnt wait to try it out especially knowing how much Mike loves a good cup of java like myself. Chi Thu & Javier joined us as well for Buca Di Pepo. Great eats and company... What a great way to start Christmas.
If your wondering what I got Steve... It's the olloclip. I know it doesn't remotely come close to the 'ooohh-ahhs' of my gift... But I thought it gave him some extra effects on his iPhone camera closer to a SLR... Without shelling out $1000. It was three lens; fish eye (which i took the nespresso pic with), close up, and wide angle lens. Call me cheap, but inventive... I don't even want to try and navigate the whole SLR camera thing... That gives me an instant Headache!
As for Hayden's Xmas presents... There were lots of Thomas the Train, leap frog, and iPad games. Several of them are tucked away in his closet of unopened toys for that special treat one day or because he'll need to grow into it.
If your wondering what I got Steve... It's the olloclip. I know it doesn't remotely come close to the 'ooohh-ahhs' of my gift... But I thought it gave him some extra effects on his iPhone camera closer to a SLR... Without shelling out $1000. It was three lens; fish eye (which i took the nespresso pic with), close up, and wide angle lens. Call me cheap, but inventive... I don't even want to try and navigate the whole SLR camera thing... That gives me an instant Headache!
As for Hayden's Xmas presents... There were lots of Thomas the Train, leap frog, and iPad games. Several of them are tucked away in his closet of unopened toys for that special treat one day or because he'll need to grow into it.
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