Friday, May 20, 2011

Summer time fun

Hayden loves water parks. We were invited to a pool party in April and my son is such a fish.

As Hayden becomes more comfortable in social settings, the pool brings out the Hayden his parents know. It's definitely one of his comfort zones where he can play and be himself.


We've started Hayden's outdoor playhouse. In-between our work schedules and weekends, we hope to have it done in a few weeks.

It will be a playhouse on top of this platform attached to a treehouse deck.

See... Who says nagging doesnt get anywhere? It's working out beautifully.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Decorating Bug

When Steve surprised me on my birthday by adding decorative box molding on the bedroom walls, it prompted me to finally finish decorating our bedroom. First on my list was completing my silk curtains I had started more than a year ago.

They're silk drapes that were on sale at West Elm for $25/panel.... which was a steal! But at 60 inches in length... no wonder they were on sale! Who would want them but me.... To make up the length of the drapes I bought a 4 yards of the one of the cheapest material at the fabric store... burlap (yes... the same burlap they bag potatoes with). But the look works and I love the look of it... it looks like a finely starched linen.

Here are the wonderful box molding Steve surprised me with.

And I know... who hangs large pictures of themselves on the walls... I'm no supermodel! But what are you supposed to do with your wedding portraits.??

Here is a closer look of the drapes.. This one drapes on the floor a bit... contemplating whether to hem them up like the others? I'll get to next year I'm sure...

My view relaxing on the bed.

Since I was hanging 3 curtain rods in the bedroom.... What's one more. So I decided to hang one more in the hallway with silk green drapes.

As you can see the light switches are still exposed (its the littlest things you never seem to complete....)

All in all... Decorating always puts a smile to my face. The drapes warm up the home and makes my home feel more like a home.

Because home is where heart is....

And my bedroom... its the retreat I always wanted.

Birthday Wishes for Momma

This year for my 36th birthday... I asked for no fancy gifts or elaborate birthday dinner. What I wanted was

1. CRAWFISH with my favorite peeps.

with a couple of cold beers....

2. cleaning and landscaping my side yard.
To do this.... Steve ordered 3 tons of black star rocks, a yard of mulch, and 3 guys to get this all done. Love, love, love

Don't let this mound fool you..... it was hard, back-breaking work for those guys! Better them than us though.

This is our pit! It has been a pit stop for all of our paints, ladders, gardening tools, and everything else we wanted "outta sight...outta mind." Weeds were growing all the way to your waistline. You gotta feel sorry for the meter man!



All the garden tools have its place and now we actually have a usable pathway from front to back. I'm actually gonna grown some low laying vines along the house and wall for warm up the place a bit.

Luke's Birthday

Happy Birthday Luke! We love you.

One of the activities for Luke's birthday was decorating cookies. Luke and Hayden couldn't get enough of eating the decorations.

Luke showing off his robust belly :)

Watching the boys go to town on these sweets... priceless.

Easter 2011

We spent Easter Sunday at Grandma's house hunting eggs. Hayden enjoyed picking up the colorful eggs, and LOVED the confetti eggs Bac Thu brought. He was preoccupied from time to time with his Toy Story figurines.
To this day he wants to go to the refrigerator for more eggs... but I keep telling him there is no confetti in those. Thank you everyone for keeping with the egg hunting tradition... I know some of Hayden's cousins are getting too old for this but still kept it fun for the little ones.

Hayden loved the confetti eggs...

Hayden either looking real hard for eggs or admiring Grandma's flowers.... that's my gardening boy!

Luke joined us in the Easter fun this year. Yay!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Back to blogging

Ac problem leaking in the attic finally broke through the ceiling.

Note to all.. You should not see water flowing from a pipe from the house... It's a clogged condensation pipe! It's been like that for atleast 2 years and I thought that was how old homes were built.

Home ownership is wonderful... But definitely comes with maintenance issues. Thankfully it was an easy and inexpensive fix.

Now I gotta pull out the drywall supplies 