Amanda was going away to college at West Point....what a wonderful way to send her off and get the entire family together. Chi Tram's family drove all the way from San Diego.....and we all drove in from Houston and Austin to Canyon Lakes-close to New Braunfels. We enjoyed great barbecue, late night chats, fun in the sun....just good quality time! Definitely not a good time to loose my camera charger...urg.... Well these are the pic I have to capture the weekend.
Austin waiting to go out to the lake.
Uncle David gave Nic a 'bug home' thingy....they found the coolest little critter - an insect that looks like a branch- a walking stick. Sorry no pics.
Luke's ready!
Kids inspecting bugs....ew.... Uncle David looking on and not ready for this picture moment. Sorry Uncle David.... I didn't want to crop you out of the picture.
Paulina looks so tired going out to the lake. Don't worry P, you're definitely like your aunt....don't get me out of bed before 10 please....
This boy won't leave home with this racket!
All of the lovely young ladies striking a pose....
Trying to get a pic of all the boys wasn't easy.... especially with Hayden running out of every pic after I throw him in the middle of the group and try to escape....Gotta love it.
Steve flying kites with Hayden, Nic, and Paulina.
Anh Vinny-the best assessory to any camping or outdoor activity. His marinated Korean beef ribs were delish! And as you can see....he's been working out. Chi Trang, you lucky girl...(haa haa)
Lisa's blog:
Chi Tram's web:
Chi Thu's blog:
or Melissa's blog:
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