Thursday, March 31, 2011
Bug time
Hayden's milestone
No telling what he will do with a kid walking by with a pacifier... Beware!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Spring time
Funny how I hated gardening as a kid. I think it was being forced to wake up at 7am on the weekends for hours of no fun, sweeping, edging, cutting, pulling weeds, etc.
Fast forward 30 years... and I dream about the vines I'm going to train around the door, or about the mystery plant that popped in the back yard that I'm going to espelier. I even find myself going through endless of gardening blogs... Man I'm old and boring.
I must thank god for Jose, our lawn guy. He does the tedious job of mowing, edging, and cleaning so I can enjoy the planting and designing of the garden beds. If I were to do his job it would take me 2 hours... He does it in 15 mins! $20 well spent in my eyes!!!!
Today I woke up early thinking about going to home depot to pick up some mulch but instead decided to plant a succulent garden. At 10am Hayden and I are having breakfast while waiting around until noon when Home Depot opens... I decided to google the store hours. What???!!! It opened at 8am. Arggg. (ha ha)
Well this is my succulent garden... Drought tolerant plants with a modern aesthetics. Give it some time and it's gonna grow into a beauty. The purple fountain grass in the back will grow taller than the horsetail plants in the middle, and the assortment of moss and cacti succulents should fill out nicely.
Here is the back breaking work... 15 bags of composts and 10 bags of mulch. I'll do the mulch next week.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Still sick
Day one was great. He would occasionally ask for it... but we would ignore him and try everything short of standing on our heads trying to change the subject. Day 2 we pick him up from school and his teacher said he was coming down with a cough. Well a runny nose and 104 fever followed that evening. Too soothe a crabby toddler...we gave it back to him.
Steve and I look to each other and say... Damn... how does he always do this at the perfect time???!!! Well Steve actually made a scientific connection of it.
Taking away the pacifier ---> stressed him out ---> lowing his immunity ---> making him more vulnerable and susceptible to illness and disease ????
Interesting.... Sounds like a something that need to be published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Guess no rodeo for Hayden this weekend
Sunday, March 6, 2011
I, too, have been wanting to transform an ugly duckling into a swan. I know I can take any chair or couch and get it upholstered by a professional, but I don't want it to cost the same or more than one I can out-right buy at the store.
Here are some of my inspiration chairs.... I chose chairs that I think I could easily re-upholster with beautiful fabrics, a staple gun, glue, and a can of spray paint.

Kicking off the Houston Rodeo 10K and 5k Run
I wouldn't say I love it (no runner's high here...) but after doing this.... I will say I enjoyed it a lot. This coming from a person who only ran because you had to to pass the PE portion of school. There were thousands of people cheering you on. And if you looked around...there were kids doing it. Hello... That made me get my ass going and run.... "Run Forest Run."