Sunday, September 26, 2010


Oh what a wonderful creation- Play-doh

I remember my love of this stuff... how I never had enough of it... and how I tried reviving it weeks after it had already dried without avail.

Now play-doh has a electronic factory that cuts, flattens, stamps, and makes all kinds of great shapes.

This is my "when I was your age" spew.... not as dramatic as the 'walking miles to get to school' spew...

but close enough.

Lennox our other baby

Lennox is like a child of ours. And when Hayden was born we knew we would continue to treat him as such.

He is the best with Hayden! He allows him to climb on him or even pull his ears and tail. And although we get busy and preoccupied with Hayden a lot of times... he never asks for more and is content with a pat on the head.

I get a 'warm fuzzy feelin' when Hayden is laying him, uses him as a stepping ladder, or even as an iPhone stand. He even pulled his blanket next to Lennox one day.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Think Hayden is getting used to this

We are happy to see Hayden actually liking his teachers and enjoying his day. He made this fabulous elephant hat at school!

Beautiful sign

A beautiful butterfly/moth appeared to me the evening before Grandma's funeral. Actually it scared the living daylights out of me flying into my hair while I was taking out the trash at midnight. I'm used to mosquitos at this time of the year but this was definitely something unexpected.

I'd like to think of it as a sign that Steve's grandmother is ok and at peace.

Hope she likes dogs... Because Tyson and Penny will love her and her delicious treats!

School is a lot of hard work

Just finished Hayden's homework... Hopefully soon he will be able to contribute to it...

Teacher probably saying... Boy he writes and cuts well... Hee hee.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

In Memory to Great Grandmother- September 2010


Steve and I always finding ourselves scrambling for a costume every Halloween. That usually means buying any costume on the rack or ordering it online for double the cost, not including the expedited shipping charges.

While shopping at Costco, Steve found this costume for Hayden.

Here's a look back at his past costumes....

Chicken in 2007--- (look at Steve's unhappy face in this hot, full body costume) hee hee

Tiger Woods in 2008
(before Tiger and his multiple mistress scandal of course)

Battered Boxer in 2009

Fireman 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Yes or No?

So at the present moment.... It's a no according to Steve. He thinks it will take up the entire backyard and he wanted to build a treehouse anyways.

But.... Hayden really loves all playlets he sees!!!

This will take some convincing.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hiding food

At the end of the day, I'm always pulling cereal and such from places like the couch. This is a first....

Grapes in the car.